Our Quality
Our vision is to provide better diagnostic testing and customer care for a better life. Our goal is the continuous implementation and realization of our vision.
The object of operation of our company is the import, marketing, distribution, technical support and control of medical technology products and scientific equipment.
At CPO SCIENTRONICS LTD we apply a Quality Management System based on EN ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 13485: 2016 Standards, with the ultimate goal of increasing the satisfaction of our customers.
Our company announces the quality policy within the company and makes sure that it is understood by all its employees.
CPO SCIENTRONICS LTD is committed to continuously improving the efficiency of the Quality Management System, to compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 13485: 2016, as well as the requirements and needs of those concerned, its customers.
Objective goals for quality have been set in our company and are being reviewed during the annual Reviews by the Management. In addition, data are analyzed to assess the ongoing suitability of objective objectives and the Quality Policy in order to continuously improve the services we offer.
Quality Control & Regulatory Affairs System
The management of CPO SCIENTRONICS LTD, considers that the correct quality policy is the basis for providing immediate and high quality products and services.
To ensure these goals, CPO Scientronics Ltd has developed and installed since 2000, a Quality Control System, designed according to ISO 9001:2015 as well as ISO 13485:2016 specifically for medical equipment and products.
To achieve the goals of the above mentioned policy, all members of CPO Scientronics Ltd are actively involved, Management first, which has the authority to apply this in all its fields.
Objective goal of CPO Scientronics Ltd is to assure the quality of all offered products and services and therefore to:
Ensure customer satisfaction for products and services
Apply safety and credibility regulations
The Quality Control Manager for CPO Scientronics Ltd, is authorized to supervise operation and continuous improvement of our Quality Control System.
We have also signed a membership contract with Green Dot (Cyprus) Public Co. Ltd, which is regulated under The Packaging and Packaging Waste Law (N.32(I)/2002) with its modifications and regulations, which defines the responsibilities of companies considered to be responsible for their packaging and the ways and means for the recovery and recycling of their packaging waste. Also we have signed a contract with WEEE Electrocyclosis Cyprus Ltd which is regulated under the provisions of the Solid and Hazardous Waste Law Κ.Δ.Π.73/2015, which defines the responsibilities and obligations of the producers of Electronic and Electrical Equipment (EEE), which in Cyprus are mostly companies importing Electric and Electrical Equipment in the Republic, as well as with AFIS Cyprus, for Waste Management of Portable Electronic accumulators and Columns (i.e. batteries).
Quality certifications Green Dot Weee AFIS
Health & Safety Policy:
CPO SCIENTRONICS recognizes that it must ensure a high level of safety and health conditions for employees, subcontractors and third parties, confirms compliance with the relevant legislation and takes the necessary measures to protect them.
Company management is committed to addressing risks such as musculoskeletal problems, exposure to biohazards, driving hazards and others by implementing the following:
- It is updated and takes measures to implement safety and health legislation.
- Appointed a Safety and Health Officer and operates a Safety Committee.
- Recognizes and assesses risks that may harm human health and/or the environment, through annual risk assessments for all departments.
- Identifies the necessary protection and prevention measures and establishes specifications and work instructions for their effective implementation.
- Trains staff on safety and health issues.
- Checks at regular intervals for compliance with requirements and takes appropriate corrective actions.
- Maintains a health and safety record.
- Constantly improves equipment, infrastructure and individual security measures.
Code of Conduct:
The Company Code of Conduct outlines standards of personal and professional conduct that all company employees must strive to uphold and behave in an ethical and professional manner at all times. The Code provides a basis for all employees to maintain a working environment that is productive, positive, enjoyable, safe and free from harassment and discrimination. It also assists managers to induct employees into CPO Scientronics Ltd and address any circumstances that may arise which conflict with the stated Standards and Values set by the Company.
Environmental Policy
Our organisation is committed to improving our environmental performance and implementing best practice to minimise the environmental impacts of our business operations.
We implement strategies that will reduce the impact of environmental risks on our organisation.
The document keeps senior management and employees informed about their environmental roles and responsibilities within our organisation.
Policy aims include:
- Implementation of environmental actions within our organisation
- Monitoring of the environmental actions and improvements internally
- Demonstration of leadership by working sustainably with suppliers, communicating with customers and recommending industry-relevant environmental initiatives
The Environmental Policy applies to all employees and contractors, both full time and part time. The Policy can be shared with suppliers, partners and consultants to demonstrate and indicate best practice.
This Environmental Policy formalizes our commitment to supporting the principles of environmental sustainability and recognizes that a sustainable environment is central to our organisation and the lives and work of our employees
Internal and external framing
We are committed to accelerating the move to a sustainable, low carbon economy and to reduce and ultimately eliminate the impact to the environment from our operations.
Our commitment:
- Promote responsibility for the environment within the organisation and communicate and implement this policy at all levels within the workforce.
- Assess the environmental impacts of our operations and set objectives and targets annually in order to improve our environmental performance with review of such targets.
- Provide adequate resources to meet our commitment to this policy and the environment.
- Comply with all relevant environmental legislation/regulation.
- Define and communicate to management, employees and contractor responsibilities so that all are aware of their individual obligations.
- Ensure that all our policies and services are developed in a way that is complimentary to this policy.
- Take into account environmental considerations in our procurement.
- Report our environmental performance in our annual report.
- Encourage all partners and other key stakeholders to commit to improving environmental performance.
- Reduce our organisations use of energy, water and minimise waste by reduction, re-use and recycling methods where possible, whether employees are working in the office or from home.
- Keep electronic records so as to minimize paper waste.
- Conscious consideration to the level of travel required and the mode of travel, encouraging lower carbon transportation options.
- Ensure the correct level of ‘offsetting’ is in place to neutralise carbon emissions, but only as a last resort where we have been unable to avoid carbon intensive activities, operate more efficiently or replace or mitigate any residual emissions.
Additional actions:
- Preparing and promoting our environmental policy and action plan.
- Setting up an Environmental Focus Group internally to encourage employees to make suggestions and decisions on operational practices.
- Monitoring and reducing utilities consumption in office buildings and home working and measuring impact of supply chain and company travel.
- Where appropriate, increasing recycling practices and optimizing use of technological equipment.
- Promoting, encouraging, and rewarding lower carbon travel choices.
As employers we will:
- Share expectation of responsibility for the environment to our employees, board members and service providers.
- Demonstrate clear commitment to the environment and lead by example, to ensure that the protection of the environment is promoted to all employees.
Our employees will:
- Be familiar with the environment impact and requirements relevant to their own role and activities and take responsibility for their own impact on the environment.
Our suppliers will:
- Provide their own environmental policies to our organisation to demonstrate their carbon footprint and carbon reduction targets, where possible.
- Work in collaboration where possible to reduce the overall environmental impact of the supply chain.
- Communicate this Environmental Policy to all employees, contractors and other stakeholders as well as making this policy available to the general public.